Sunday, March 1, 2020


The 3:30 am alarm has waken me up and I realize; it is time to get ready for my run. A cup of black coffee  and I start thinking with more clarity. It is the sudden vacuum and realization that I no longer have my ID card. I don't have any mails to check. It has been a 20 year old habit that I now have to get rid of. I am free! But I can now better empathize the feel of a caged bird, that does not dare to step out of its cage, even when the door is left open. It forgets that he dreamed of spreading the wings in clear blue skies, so many times. The bondage to the cage is hard, to break away from, as it knows that it shall receive its regular meals, as long as it stays within.

I open the balcony door and gaze outside at the pitch dark night. The guys who wash the car are at work so early. They work hard for so little. I just need to do a run with my mates. pure fun..I shake of the lethargy and shun the negativity of the vacuum. I should focus on things I wanted to do and not the bondage.

Nitin has picked me up and we join our PTC running circle. Umesh has put on a terrific show for Sujit and me by roping in all runners from PTC and outside for a grand celebration. Almost all the gang who we run in Hyderabad and Mumbai events are there. The 21 km run ends and I have a jovial feeling. There is a slight negative thought and I remember my friends accompany me to my car.those last few steps that might have made either of us cry. It reminds me of the rumors after Tinchenkang incident where my friends and relatives were super glad to see me back and I was in sorrow. This time I was leaving my friends behind to live my dreams. I had a high and others who remained had tougher situation to face with the empty space that they would face and their friend lost.
I had assured that I would always be connected via social media.

The snacks after the run, recuperated the effort. I have treated myself bad by not  eating the needed calories after severe runs. Here , thanks to Umesh and friends, I enjoy the spread of Laddus, with disregard to the sugar.
We were presented with trophies from the No vehicle day group and PTC runners. It was overwhelming. I have never cared of my value to people around me. I stick to my vision of things I ought to do rather than what gets me acclaim and position within people. It has been my job to assist to the needs of my folks and help them to mature.Then I outgrow my position and step out! There is so much love after a separation from friends circle that we cannot foresee. Perhaps, its the best gift of life that we do our bit without expecting results. The connections that we make on the fly stay and the love, kindness, respect flows at the right juncture.
Its been deja vu for me ..a memory of post Tinchenkang treatment that I forgot with time.

Day 2 Morning I wake up late. Its 7.30am and my 8.5km run should have got over. I still have this empty feeling and I decide to take control of myself.
I finished another 21km+ run today, without much bother. A good sleep later, I know what needs to  be done to Stay on target on Day 3.

If Tinchenkang never happened, I would have been headed for a small climb in Himalayas. However, circumstances have changed and I can no longer bother my near and dear ones. The closest to an alpine climb is to run 21 km solo daily. Would I last on Day 3? Can I get back to where I once belonged! Much more fit than ever?

The cocoon was ruptured. It is now time to spread the wings and take the leap as was done before.

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